Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Linux Desktop Testing Project editor

A nice post by Hari, Thanks for your nice post.

Want to use LDTP to test your application? Or do you want to automate the actions you do often? Or are you a GNU/Linux user who want to show “magic” to your friends by recording your actions and playing them back? You can use LDTP for this. But one small issue with LDTP is that you should know the LDTP Python API to write any test suite. But with the new LDTP Editor, this makes your job really simple. A screenshot of the LDTP Editor is shown below.

LDTP Editor

This is a simple HOWTO for recording and playing back the recorded script.

Installing LDTP.

  • Download the lastest LDTP source code from http://people.freedesktop.org/~nagappan/ldtp-0.9.2.tar.gz.
  • Uncompress the file.
  • Compile the code using ./configure and make
  • If you don’t have the access to install softwares, run the ldtpeditor file in the python folder
  • If you have access to install softwares, then run “make install”

Note:: After installing LDTP Editor, i when i tried to run ldtpeditor, got an error saying

hari@hari-laptop:~/ldtp/ldtp-0.9.2$ ldtpeditor
(ldtpeditor:11130): libglade-WARNING **: could not find glade file '/usr/share/local/ldtp/glade/ldtpeditor.glade'
Glade file not found

The ldtpeditor.glade file is present in the python folder. I got this error because i compiled the code as ./configure. If i had done it as ‘./configure –prefix=/usr’, then i wouldn’t have got this error. Anyway i copied the file manually to that folder.

hari@hari-laptop:~/ldtp/ldtp-0.9.2$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/local/ldtp/glade/
hari@hari-laptop:~/ldtp/ldtp-0.9.2$ sudo cp python/ldtpeditor.glade /usr/share/local/ldtp/glade/
hari@hari-laptop:~/ldtp/ldtp-0.9.2$ ldtpeditor

After that when i ran ldtpeditor, it ran without any issues.

Recording using LDTP Editor

For this let us consider recording the actions performed in gcalctool.

  • First make sure Assistive Technology is enabled in your desktop. If you are not sure about this, open gnome-control-center and in that open Assistive Technology Preferences. You should have Enable Assistive Technologies checked to use LDTP.
  • If you are enabling Assistive Technology only now, logout and login again.
  • Run ldtpeditor and gcalctool.
  • Make sure both you have enabled ‘Always on Top’ or both the applications and both the window doesn’t overlap with each other.
  • Click the Start button the LDTP Editor. All actions performed after this are recorded.
  • Perform actions in the gcalctool. Check out this video to see the actions i recored in my computer .
  • After you’re done with the actions in the gcalctool, click the Stop button in the LDTP Editor.
  • You can see that the ‘Recorded Code’ tab is updated with code as when you perform actions in gcalctool.
  • Click the convert button in the LDTP Editor. You’ll see that the Generated LDTP Code and Generated LDTP XML tabs are filled with generated code.
  • The Play button is not working now. I wrote the patch for that yesterday night ;-).
  • Save the contents of the ‘Generated LDTP Code’ into a python file (for ex frisco.py) . Note that if the file name you specify already exists, then it OVERWRITES the filename without any warning.
  • Then run hari@hari-laptop:~$ python frisco.py
  • The actions you performed while recording will be played back again :-)

Currently the Play button in the LDTP Editor is not enabled. But you can make it work by applying the patch mentioned below. I guess this patch will be added to LDTP Editor in a week or so. So check the ChangeLog file before applying the patch.

LDTP Editor Preferences

Using the LDTP Prefereces, you can control what all actions you can control. A brief summary about the options given in the Preferences window.

  • Listen key events
    This option is not yet implemented. Checking/Unchecking this doesn’t make any difference now.
  • Listen mouse events
    This option is not yet implemented. Checking/Unchecking this doesn’t make any difference now.
  • Generate LDTP Code
    Only when if this option is enabled, Convert will generated to LDTP code in the ‘Generated LDTP Code’ tab. This is enabled by default when you run LDTP Editor.
  • Generate Data XML
    If this option is enabled, the LDTP Editor will generate data XML for the actions you perform.
  • Generate keyboard events code
    Generates code for the keyboard events you performed during the recording session.
  • Generate wait time code
    Calculates the delay one takes between each action during the recording session and generates code so that similar time delay is generated while play back.
  • Generate Memory / CPU statistics.
    The code to generate Memory and CPU statistics will be generated. You need to install pystatgrab and libstatgrab packages.

Patching to make the Run button work

  • Copy this patch file to your ldtp folder.
  • Runhari@hari-laptop:~/ldtp/ldtp-0.9.2$ cd ldtp-0.9.2
    hari@hari-laptop:~/ldtp/ldtp-0.9.2$ patch -p0 <>
  • Compile the code again and run ldtpeditor. This time after you Convert the Code, you can Run the code from the LDTP Editor. :-)

Note:: The generated code had many unwanted waittillguiexist. I saw waittillguiexist(”dlg0″) in many places. If your playback is stopped because of this, remove that before running the scripts.
Sometime the resource will go high as the application map info is collected from the application, so no need to worry.

If you find any issues regarding LDTP Editor, report it to ldtp-dev@lists.freedesktop.org or nagappan@gmail.com or sp2hari@gmail.com

All patches are welcome. :-)

My comments:

You can use ./configure --prefix=/usr to avoid that glade file missing warning.

Additional notes:

* After clicking record click 'Convert' to get the code converted in LDTP format (It does some post processing, so its required)
* Click save button to save generated python script, if 2nd tab is empty, then it will try to get the contents of first tab and store it in the file you specify. If file already exist, it will *OVER-WRITE*
* control+c, control+v doesn't work
* Sometime the resource will go high as the application map info is collected from the application, so no need to worry. With Thunderbird, the recording really sucks
* You need to have GNOME 2.14 and above to use LDTP editor

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Random updates

* Moved from emacs to MonoDevelop for my Mono development ! I started liking it very much, few random crashes happen, when accessibility is enabled in GTK layer. I should log a bug on them (soon).
* LDTP packages are now available for Debian, Ubuntu apart from OpenSuSE, Fedora, Mandriva. Thanks to Karik Mistry :)
* Under Mono System.Data API compatibility is 97% in 2.0 profile, now targeting 99% within this month end. Me and Varadhan will be working on this target.
* Updated the work system from OpenSUSE 10.2 to 10.3, Its awesome !!!
* Canceled the flat that booked in Bangalore.
* Dobey's a11y-test-suite rpm are available for download here. A sample output of gedit available for 2.16 and for 2.20. You can use this to test any GNOME / Mozilla application.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Linux Desktop Testing Project (LDTP) 0.9.0 released

Whats new in this release...

* Kartik Mistry fixed build issue in Alpha machines
* Rewrite of LDTP recording framework and now it completely uses pyatspi or orca-atspi (when pyatspi is not installed) - Thanks to Willi Walker of Sun - Supporting LDTP community to use orca's atspi.
* Added new accessibility roles required for Firefox automation
* LDTP documentation has been majorly updated
* Other major bug fixes

Download source tarball / Binary rpm

Thanks to
* Mozilla organization for selecting LDTP for Google Summer of Code 2007
* Sun China team (Emily Chen, Dave Lin, and others) for their support through out SOC'07
* Harishankaran - Student participated in LDTP - Mozilla / Google SoC

Summer of Code 2007 - Firefox automation

Harishankaran (sp2hari) has done a wonderful job, Firefox automation using LDTP as part of Google Summer of Code 2007 under Mozilla organization.

Few interesting blogs by the student
* Firefox 3.0 amazing experience
* Tinderbox integration (Credit goes to Emily Chen, Dave Lin - Sun China team)
* SOC status
* Screen cast of FF 3.0 automation

A big thanks to Emily Chen, Dave Lin, Michael Shang of Sun China team ! Without their support its going to be a miracle for the student to integrate Firefox automation in Solaris Tinderbox setup.

You can download the FF 3.0 automation scripts from here

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Recording your screen in solaris :)

Posted by Harishankaran (sp2hari)

Recording your screen in Solaris works right out of the box. All you need to install is vncserver and vnc2swf.

A simple HOW TO about recording your screen in Solaris. :)

First you need to install Vncserver. Solaris by default doesn't come with a VNC. The easiest way to install VNC is through pkg-get

root@home# pkg-get -i vncserver

Before running that command, configure your pkg-get to get the packages from blastwave.org. Check http://www.blastwave.org/howto.html to get more details about setting up the repo.
That should install vncserver. :)

Next step it to install vnc2swf.
Download the C version of vnc2swf from http://www.unixuser.org/%7Eeuske/vnc2swf/index.html.
Extract the tar ball

hari@home:~$cd vnc2swf
root@home#make install

The commands mentioned above will install vnc2swf . :)

All you need to do to use vnc2swf is to start a vncserver. vnc2swf just needs the output file name to be passed as command line argument when started. Pressing F8 gives the options to start, stop, pause and clear the reocrding.

Some of the issues i faced are :)

1. When the same user tries to start a gnome-session in the vnc, an error message saying gnome-session is already running is given. So the best bet is to create a new user and start the vncserver of that user.

2. The icons are not displayed properly if you login into the new user's account using GNOME. Use Common Desktop Environment (CDE) to login and start a vncserver.

3. By default, the new user won't have a .vnc folder. So start a vnc and kill that. Now you will have .vnc folder with a xstartup file. Modify the file so that gnome-session runs in the vnc instead of the default twm. The xstartup file should look like


/usr/openwin/bin/xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
/usr/openwin/bin/xsetroot -solid grey
/usr/openwin/bin/xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
#/usr/openwin/bin/twm &
gnome-session &

And yeah, what i recorded can be viewed at http://download.freedesktop.org/ldtp/movies/screen2.html. Nice right ;-)

My Tinderbox is working...

Posted by Harishankaran (sp2hari)

Yes, you heard it right. My tinderbox is working. Even now i don't know why i was trying to setup a tinderbox after both Emily and Nags asked me to concentrate on Firefox automation. I felt it was almost done and just few more steps, i will be able to set it up. And that's what finally happened :)

So in this post, i am going to mention about all issues i faced in setting up a tinderbox and steps to fix them.

Note :: If you are ever setting up a tinderbox, be prepared to see huge log files. Like once my compilation ran for few hours and produced a log file of size 15MB. And if you are stuck up, DON'T send the entire file. A tail of that file should do. In fact, you should be in a position to find out from while line the exact error starts.

Yeah before you start reading this
http://sp2hari.blogspot.com/2007/06/conquered-solaris.html and
http://sp2hari.blogspot.com/2007/06/tinderbox.html has instructions about how to setup Tinderbox in Solaris environment.

Ok the first error i got was

Building deps for jsinterp.c
ube: error: Assert has been violated at '/set/venus/builds.intel-S2/nightly.Thu/intel-S2/lang/ube/graphs/src/scregion.c 305'.
cc: ube failed for jsinterp.c
gmake[4]: *** [jsinterp.o] Error 2

Dave from Sun china asked me use a patch for Sun Studio 11 Compiler C. I don't have the link to the patch now but the patch id is 121016-05. I remember getting it from the sun website. So searching there should give you the link. The above patch was dependent on patch 120759-06. So installed patch 120759-06 first and then install the patch 121016-05.

Steps to add a patch in Solaris are given below. The commands are for patch 121016-05. Change the id according to the patch you are installing.

1. Download 121016-05.zip and extract the contents in your current directory
2. Login as root
3. root@home# patchadd 121016-05
Note :: If the above command doesn't work, then try
root@home# patchadd . 121016-05

The above steps should install the patch in your system. To check whether the patch is installed properly, check the folder /var/sadm/patch/. You should see seperate directories for each patch you have installed. In my system here, the /var/sdm/patch is like
# cd /var/sadm/patch/
# ls
120759-06 121016-05

That fixed the above problem :).

The next error i got was

ir2hf: error: Ran out of memory
cc: ir2hf failed for jsinterp.c

Now this is a strange problem and which can be fixed without much issue. You need more RAM. My system had 768MB (512+256) RAM, but you need 1GB RAM to fix this issue. So next day i got 1GB RAM and never got this error back.

After that, i got many compilation errors. This happened because of some issue in the mozilla code. This generally never happens. I got errors in lines having inline. Anyway now i am not getting the error anymore. So i think the mozilla code is fixed now. :)

Finally i got an error saying,

gmake[3]: Leaving directory `/export/home/hari/tinderbox
gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/export/home/hari/tinderbox/SunOS_5.11_Depend/mozilla'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/export/home/hari/tinderbox/SunOS_5.11_Depend/mozilla'
firefox-bin built successfully.
firefox-bin built successfully.
firefox-bin binary exists, build successful.
Unable to find path to Talkback client. Proceeding as if Talkback was not installed.

Running regxpcom test ...
Timeout = 120 seconds.
Begin: Fri Aug 24 08:08:37 2007
cmd = /export/home/hari/tinderbox/SunOS_5.11_Depend/mozilla//dist/bin/firefox-bin -register
End: Fri Aug 24 08:08:38 2007
----------- Output from regxpcom -------------
----------- End Output from regxpcom ---------
regxpcom: test failed
No profile found, creating profile.
Begin: Fri Aug 24 08:08:38 2007
cmd = /export/home/hari/tinderbox/SunOS_5.11_Depend/mozilla//dist/bin/firefox-bin -CreateProfile default
End: Fri Aug 24 08:08:39 2007
----------- Output from Profile Creation -------------
Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

(firefox-bin:6432): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:
----------- End Output from Profile Creation ---------
ERROR: profile /export/home/hari/tinderbox/SunOS_5.11_Depend/.mozilla/firefox/ does not exist
no pref file found

The solution for the above bug was to allow connections to X server. This is done by executing the following command before starting a tinderbox compilation. Remember the user who is running the tinderbox should execute the command.

hari@home:~$/usr/openwin/bin/xhost +
access control disabled, clients can connect from any host

Few other things to note while trying to compile firefox under tinderbox are
1. Never ever run two instances of tinderbox at the same time. Make sure the first one is killed before starting a new one.
2. Delete the SunOS_5.11_Depend folder when you are facing any compilation errors.
3. Use -XO3 for CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS
4. Make sure your mozconfig file has these lines
ac_add_options --disable-freetype2
ac_add_options --disable-debug
ac_add_options --disable-tests

SOC ...

Posted by Harishankaran (sp2hari)

Updates about SOC.
30 test scripts are working fine without any issue :). My target is to write 50 test cases and i will try to reach that this weekend :) :).

The scripts can be downloaded from here.

Things to be modified when you run your script in your environment are.
1. In the file firefox.xml, change the value of <filepath> for so that it points the file called index.html in the folder called data in your scripts directory.

Let me give a detailed HOW TO for running these scripts.

1. First, LDTP must be installed in your system.
The CVS page in ldtp.freedesktop.org provides the instructions for getting the LDTP code through CVS.

Note : I had a small issue compiling the code which i got from CVS.
While using ./configure it gave me an error saying

./configure: line 3998: syntax error near unexpected token `LIBXML2,'
./configure: line 3998: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBXML2, libxml-2.0 >= 2.0.0)'

The above error is because autoconf and pkg-conf are installed at two different locations. For more details check http://lists.freedesktop.org/pipermail/xserver/2003-December/000573.html

So i used this package which compiled without any issue :).
For more details on how to install, check here.

2. Enable Accessibility from gnome-control-center

3. Download and start Firefox3.0a*pre from here ( Any FF3.0 alpha release should work, though with FF3.0a8pre, it is tested throughly.
Note :: When you start firefox, make sure you don't have any other instance of firefox running.

4.Run the command

hari@home:~/soc/tinderbox$ ldtprunner run.xml

If you have set LDTP_DEBUG=1 in your shell, then it will show lots of output. Don't get scared. It only means things are working fine :)
Note :: You can also work with LDTP_DEBUG unset, if you want a "clean" output.

Once that command is executed, then it will run the test cases provided in the run.xml.

A file called log.xml gives the details about the test cases run. The last three lines in the log file should be like this if the test case ran properly for all the 30 test cases provided.

<groupsstatus total="30" pass="30" fail="0"/>

The screen record video on Solaris 11 is given can be viewed from here.

The current status of the test cases can be viewed from here.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Pyro Desktop built on Mozilla Firefox

PyroDesktop - The Desktop environment for Linux, built on Mozilla Firefox was announced in GUADEC.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Tinderbox ....

You never know when things will work and but if you believe that they will work ,they will. Ha, finally my own quote :P .

The Solaris download which i asked my friend to do failed :-( . Crap . I waited for that for more than 2 days and finally it failed. Now i can't to afford to wait more. I have to proceed with Tinderbox, that too with real pace. With Emily's trip to GUADEC and college reopening soon, i really have to do some magic.

Emily wanted me to update from Solaris Nevada snv_55 to Solaris Nevada snv_64. Even i wanted to see what's new in next version but looks like fate was against me.

As such i had to reinstall my Solaris Nevada snv_55 because while installing i made a stupid mistake of selecting the default options. If you are ever planning to install Solaris, never ever do that. Do choose the custom install . After some two steps it will ask you which hard disk to choose and after that you can edit the partition size. If you fail to do this, Solaris by default allocates only required space to / and rest all to /export/home. For me it ended up having only 400MB free space in / while my /export/home had around 15GB free space :-(. I never wanted to try gparted and other things. A reinstall will fix all the problems and it did.

So finally my partition size fixed and i am ready to start Tinderbox, when the postman gave a parcel for me. It was Solaris Nevada snv_64 from SUN, which i had registered few days back. I didn't know whether to cry or laugh. Felt like banging my head on the monitor. Murphy is GOD . :-)

So made another install of Solaris Nevada snv_64 and finally was ready to start with Tinderbox. Now i had Solaris Nevada snv_64 and all the softwares required. A new and nice thing about this version is a Shutdown button in the start menu. I really missed that in the previous version.

Another small thing about networking in Solaris. If you want your Solaris box to work with dns entries provided, then you should edit the /etc/nsswitch.conf as follows .

A line in /etc/nsswitch.conf will be as follows
hosts: files
Change that line to
hosts: files dns
This will make sure that first /etc/hosts and then dns entires are looked during networking.

The mail from Emily had the following details with this attachment.

1. Install the latest Solaris Express(s11)
2. Install SunOne Studio compiler
3. Install JDS CBE

1. Set up environment var. (See myenv.sh attached)
2. Check out tinderbox client from community
$ . /path/to/myenv.sh
$ cvs co -d tinderbox mozilla/tools/tinderbox
3. Some modification to be done in the tinderbox source code
1) post-mozilla.pl
$ cd tinderbox; mv post-mozilla.pl post-mozilla.pl.bak
2) tinder-confg.pl (modify the one attached and use it)
$BuildAdministrator = "%YOUR_ALIAS"
$CVS = 'runsocks cvs -q': (only necessary if you use proxy to access Internet)
3) mozconfig (use the one attached)

4, this step is necessary only if you access Internet via proxy
1) build-seamonkey-util.pl(see the patch file build-seamonkey-util.pl.diff)
2) set http_proxy and ftp_proxy in $HOME/.wgetrc since tinderbox client uses wget to send test result to server

5, let's go -- start up your tinderbox client
$ . /path/to/myenv.sh
$ cd /path/to/tinderbox && ./build-firefox.pl --depend -t MozillaTest > ~/build-firefox.log 2>&1 &

So things were really were clear in her mail.
As of now, i was in pre-steps with just Solaris 11 and neither a Solaris studio nor a CBE . So i started with Solaris studio.

The nice thing about Solaris is that the installing a new software is a matter of few clicks. Almost all the installers in Solaris works right out of the box. So with a few seconds i had Solaris studio installed . I had to change my PATH variables like

export PATH=/opt/SUNWspro/bin:$PATH
export MANPATH=/opt/SUNWspro/man:$MANPATH

So after this, you will have to run sunstudio, but i got the following error saying "java 2 SDK not found"
Omg, so now i had to install j2sdk. Downloaded the file "j2sdk-1_4_2_15-solaris-i586.sh" and when i ran that shell script, it created a folder in the current directory with quite a few files.

No i had no clue what to do that. Finally pinging a few of my friends, came to know that i had to set JAVA_HOME and change PATH variable again. I copied the folder that shell script created (j2sdk1.4.2_15) to /opt and had to modify the environment variables as shown below.

export JAVA_HOME=/opt/j2sdk1.4.2_15
export PATH=/opt/j2sdk1.4.2_15/bin:$PATH

Now if you run sunstudio, things work fine :-) . So now 2/3 pre-steps done. The only step remaining is Common Build Environment (CBE).
Now this again wasn't that difficult. The only catch is to give the proper C compiler. As such, i was supposed to use the Solaris compiler that comes along with Sun studio and not gcc. So first time i made a mistake of giving the path to gcc but next time did that fine.

Phew, all pre-steps done. Now to setup tinderbox. All the steps mentioned there worked right out of box. In step 2, it needed the environment variable $CVSROOT. As such $CVS_ROOT was configured in Emily's script. So just changed that to $CVSROOT and things worked fine :-)

Now finally i ran tinderbox and i am not quite sure about the ouput it produced . It surely generates a lot of output . I had no clue what the output meant and what i am supposed to do with that.
The output i got was like

Name "TreeSpecific::clobber_target" used only once: possible typo at ./build-firefox.pl line 33.
Name "TreeSpecific::build_target" used only once: possible typo at ./build-firefox.pl line 31.
Name "TreeSpecific::checkout_clobber_target" used only once: possible typo at ./build-firefox.pl line 13.
Name "TreeSpecific::extrafiles" used only once: possible typo at ./build-firefox.pl line 34.
Possible unintended interpolation of @gmail in string at (eval 318) line 23.
Starting dir is : /root/tinderbox/SunOS_5.11_Depend

tinderbox: tree: MozillaTest
tinderbox: builddate: 1183129260
tinderbox: status: building
tinderbox: build: SunOS/i386 5.11 home Depend trunk
tinderbox: errorparser: unix
tinderbox: buildfamily: unix
tinderbox: version: $Revision: 1.1 $
tinderbox: END

Opening SunOS_5.11_Depend.log
current dir is -- home:/root/tinderbox/SunOS_5.11_Depend
Build Administrator is sp2hari.com
uname -a = SunOS home 5.11 snv_64a i86pc i386 i86pc
DTSCREENSAVERLIST=StartDtscreenSwarm StartDtscreenQix StartDtscreenFlame StartDtscreenHop StartDtscreenImage StartDtscreenLife StartDtscreenRotor StartDtscreenPyro StartDtscreenWorm StartDtscreenBlank
MOZ_CO_DATE=06/29/2007 15:01 +0000
# Make flags
mk_add_options MOZ_CO_PROJECT=browser
mk_add_options MOZ_CO_MODULE="mozilla/tools/codesighs"

# Configure flags
ac_add_options --enable-application=browser
ac_add_options --enable-optimize
ac_add_options --enable-codesighs
ac_add_options --enable-crypto
ac_add_options --enable-xft
ac_add_options --enable-svg
ac_add_options --enable-canvas
ac_add_options --disable-freetype2
ac_add_options --disable-debug
ac_add_options --disable-tests
-->end mozconfig<----------------------------------------
Didn't find /root/tinderbox/post-mozilla.pl
Compiler is -- CC
Begin: Fri Jun 29 20:32:28 2007
cvs -q checkout -P -D "06/29/2007 15:01 +0000" mozilla/client.mk mozilla/browser/config
End: Fri Jun 29 20:32:31 2007
/root/tinderbox/SunOS_5.11_Depend/mozilla//dist/bin/firefox-bin does not exist.
No binary detected; none deleted.
Begin: Fri Jun 29 20:32:31 2007
make -f client.mk checkout
make: Fatal error in reader: client.mk, line 126: Unexpected end of line seen
End: Fri Jun 29 20:32:32 2007
Error: CVS checkout failed.

The last line is scary :-(. Have to ask about that to emily or nags soon. And oh yeah, now that i have setup a Tinderbox in Solaris, i want to setup one in Linux. Just want to see whether it is so easy in Linux. ;).

Have to figure out something about the Tinderbox log.
Bye for now.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Hello World to Tinderbox...

sp2hari (Harishankaran)

Installed solaris neveda_55 finally. Configured network after struggling a little bit. Had to install new softwares. Taggy gave me the this link. And this one was also very useful. So within a matter of 5 mins, i installed most of the softwares i might need.

As such i had three main things to do in Solaris according to the mail Emily Chen sent me. They are

1. Read about tinderbox setup from http://www.mozilla.org/projects/tinderbox/ .

2. Sun Studio 11
On Solaris, Sun Studio is used to build Firefox, not gcc, so have to install Sun Studio.

3. Set up CBE (Common Build Environment)

Still network configuration has few glitches. I have to enter the DNS entries every time i reboot the system. And even though i have configured it to activate on boot, the Ethernet card has to manually activated after every time. This is strange since, i have a file called hostname.rtls0 in / (which should activate the Ethernet card on boot )

Anyways now it is time to say Hello World to Tinderbox :P.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Finally 10 ...

--sp2hari (Harishankaran)

Ok, i am certainly not talking anything about my GPA. After fighting (fighting is an understatement i suppose) with Firefox and LDTP for 3 hours (well this is actually few days), finally managed to get 10 test cases work properly.

At least these 10 test cases will work properly for integration with Tinderbox. Have to send these test cases to emily soon and get them integrated with tinderbox.

The output log is
<group name="group1">
<script name="verifyaddressfield.py">
<test name="address field and go button">
<script name="verifybackforward.py">
<test name="Back and Forward buttons">
<script name="verifyhome.py">
<test name="verify home button">
<script name="verifynewtab.py">
<test name="Open a new tab ">
<script name="verifyyahoo.py">
<test name="topsite - yahoo">
<script name="verifymsn.py">
<test name="topsite - msn test">
<script name="verifyamazon.py">
<test name="topsite - amazon">
<script name="verifyftp.py">
<test name="navigate ftp">
<script name="verifysearch.py">
<test name="Open search by keyboard shortcuts">
<script name="verifyfindinpage.py">
<test name="Find in Page">
<timeinfo start="03:23:00 AM on 18-Jun-2007" elapsed="0:1:8"></timeinfo>
<groupsstatus total="10" pass="10" fail="0"></groupsstatus>

Well looks like i have underestimated how bugs can trouble a poor coder like me :P.

Each test case has its unique problem :P.
The major problem is the Firefox crash :(. Though the test case work individually, Firefox crashes if all the test cases were run under a single runner xml :-(. I have downloaded Firefox firefox-3.0a6pre now ( was using firefox-3.0a5pre all these days). Hopefully Firefox 6 is stable against the test cases :-).

Anyway the 10 is not the final list. I am supposed to test 30 test cases properly for the Functionality subgroup of smoketests testgroup for Firefox 3.0. Not to mention about the lots and lots of test cases from other test groups.

Let me post the issues i am facing with the other test cases, so that it is easier for me to fix them later.

Before that, the 10 test cases which worked in my favour are :)

3954: Address Field and Go button
4032: Back and Forward buttons
4031: Home button
4086: Open a new tab
3955: Top Site - Yahoo
3956: Top Site - MSN
3957: Top Site - Amazon
3959: Navigate FTP
4245: Open search by keyboard shortcuts
3967: Find in Page

The test cases having issues are
1. 4137: Add an RSS feed/Livemark
This is the strangest test case i have ever found :(. This doesn't work for the first time. Next time without any modification, if i run the test case it works like properly. Third time it is not working and fourth time it again works properly . Well, that is more than enough for me, i either end up banging the computer monitor or beating myself that there is no 5 th time :-(. Should check this test case properly.

Looks like this is the only test case which troubles me as of now. Have the rest of the code ready but looks like new problems are starting soon. For the same runner xml, same files , same Firefox, test case 2 shows come error. Have to check that soon. Got firefox-3.0a6pre few mins back. Have to run the test cases with that.

And yes, tried something with the list not getting selected problem. Even nags confirmed this problem some time back and finally able to find out the exact line where the error occurs .

if (AccessibleSelection_selectChild (selection, text_index)) { }
That is line 110 from list.c. The if statement is returning false ending up in "LDTP_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_SELECT_CHILD" . Hoping to fix this soon. Will be really happy if i fix this one as i will be able to add something to the ldtp source code. Been a long time since my name appeared in the Changelog ;-) ;-)

Only thing i am happy about is both Ubuntu Linux and Solaris responds similarly for the test cases. So no separate Firefox issues and Solaris issues as of now. Let us see how this proceeds.

Another small issue.
Whenever i get any error in any of the test cases, i get the following error
<script name="verifyamazon.py">
<test name="topsite - amazon">
<ERROR>Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/ldtprunner", line 407, in executescript
execfile (scriptname, scriptglobal)
File "verifyamazon.py", line 52, in <module>
log (msg, 'error')
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ldtp.py", line 2500, in log
logger.error (message)
File "logging/__init__.py", line 1015, in error
File "logging/__init__.py", line 1100, in _log
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ldtp.py", line 2421, in makeRecord
return LdtpLogRecord (name, level, fn, lno, msg, args, exc_info)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ldtp.py", line 2394, in __init__
msg = '<' + logging.getLevelName (level) +'>' + saxutils.escape (msg) + '</' + logging.getLevelName (level) + '>'
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/_xmlplus/sax/saxutils.py", line 31, in escape
data = data.replace("&", "&amp;")
AttributeError: 'LdtpExecutionError' object has no attribute 'replace'

I am giving the error message properly in the try block, but not in the except block. If i give the error in the except block then i get the error message in the log file properly. But i am supposed to pass the error message from the try block to the except block. Should learn a bit of python exceptions to know more about this.

Anyway the files for the test cases which are working can be obtained from here.

Note :: Have added many more test cases to the above file now, but didn't like to change the title.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Mozilla's visit to Sun China Engineer and Research Institute

By Emily Chen

On May 30th, we were happy to invite Mozilla people Mike, Li Gong and Johnny to visit Sun Beijing office. Alfred Peng organized this meeting, he also write a very detail blog about this meeting.

I am happy to had a chance to talk about the QE work we did in this meeting. The slides of Sun Browser team is posted here.I mainly talked about our QE work from three points:

1. Work on Litmus

In the past, Sun Mozilla testing work are relatively independent with Mozilla community. We have our own test tool -- Aptest, we have our own bug system -- Bugster. During last year, we made some changes to our testing process. Generally speaking, we work more closely with Mozilla community. We switch from Aptest to Litmus, from Bugster to Bugzilla. Now we got the administrator account of Litmus, we also contribute test cases in Litmus, especially on the accessibility test cases. Litmus is a really good open source test tool, we also use Litmus to do Testday.

2. Organize the Testday/Bugday in China

We promote Testday in China. The time for Testday organized by Mozilla community are not suitable for Chinese people, so we organized a special Testday in China. In order to promote Testday, we gave presentation in China university. This attract interests of some students, so we invited some of the students come to Sun ERI office and launch a Testday in ERI office. Mozilla QA are also gave a great support to our China Testday. Till now, we launched two Testday in China: Firefox 2.0 FFT and Firefox RC on Solaris Neveda.

For the Bugday, most of our team will attend the Mozilla Bugday session, Sun Mozilla developer also join Bugday. Every week, we will spend at least 2 hours to attend Bugday, triaging bugs and either confirming or closing them, moving them into the right component. Thanks for Tomcat, Tracy walker's help, they add a Solaris bug list as the second topic in Bugday. The number of Solaris bugs decreased every week. We also help review bugs on other platform. Here I take the opportunity to appreciate the help from Mozilla QA team, especially, Tim Riley, Tomcat, Tracy, Jay, Chris Cooper, Marcia Knous etc. Thanks for their help and support.

3. Automation Test Development

About automation testing tool, we mainly use Linux Desktop Testing Project (LDTP), Dogtail and Orca test tools. This year, Nagappan and I proposed a project in Google summer of code under Mozilla organization, developing automation test for Firefox using LDTP and integrated automation test cases into Firefox Tinderbox on Solaris. This project start from May, will complete in August. Then we will using the automation test case into Tinderbox.

After the launch, Li Gong invite us to visit Mozilla China office.It is about 300 m2. Mozilla China plan to hire 10 people and most of them will do marketing work, especially working on the relationship with government and bank. There will be no cubicle for each employee, instead, there will be sofa and chairs, everyone are supposed to use laptop in this office. Sounds like a coffee bar! Li Gong also invite us to Mozilla China office whenever we want good coffee or chat with him.

Meeting with Mozilla people was a big success, we have lots of actions to do after the meeting.It is a great experience to talk with Mozilla people and understand Mozilla's culture. Mozilla community is a great community full of enthusiastic and smart people, I am happy to work and learn from them.

Running a test case ...

Having written the test scripts for Firefox, this time going to tell how to test Firefox with these scripts. The test scripts can be found here

There is a wiki page in LDTP website which gives quick tips about how to run LDTP test cases.

First quick steps to get LDTP installed . If you have LDTP already installed, then you can skip this.

Get the source/binary from the downloads section of LDTP web page. Any other dependencies which LDTP might need while installation is libxml2 and libat-spi. (I generally install the debug and dev packages of the above two). After this installation of LDTP shouldn't have any issues :-)

Runner XML
Runner XML files makes testing many test cases one after another in a batch mode easy. A sample runner XML can be found here. A very simple runner XML needed to run a single test case will be like


The tags are self explanatory.
You can have any number of script blocks and thereby test any number of test cases one after another. The data tag is not necessary but it is better to have a separate data file.

Well, that's all you have to do. Start Firefox and then

hari@home:~$ ldtprunner run.xml

The above command starts testing the application with the test case provided in the run.xml .

Note :: It is also possible to test simply by giving

hari@home:~$ python verifyaddress-autocomplete.py

But i prefer doing it using runner XML, as that has more features.

There is a complete tutorial for LDTP here. This explains everything needed to write a test script clearly and is worth reading :)

Saturday, June 9, 2007

SOC report ...

My SoC is going fine and great. Hoping to finish this well ahead of time:) This is a blog + report :)

So i have started with Automation of Firefox.
For the current status of all the test cases i have mentioned here, check this link

The categories under which i have written test cases till now are
1. Firefox 3.0 :: SmokeTests :: Functionality
Most of the test cases in this category are done. certain test cases which are yet to be done are marked as TODO in the status page.

2. Firefox 2.0 :: Basic Functional Tests :: Help
This is a really small category, with just two cases. Both of them working fine, but have to check the closewindow() function which didn't close the help window.

3. Firefox 2.0 :: Basic Functional Tests :: Options (Preferences)
Have done almost all the test cases. There is again a small issue in this. The objects shown in the preferences window are list-items whose parent is a list. We tried to copy the code for combobox for list but it didn't work. Have to add functions specific for list in list.c

4. Firefox 2.0 :: Basic Functional Tests :: Printing
This had bug in the print preview option. The CPU just hangs and processor takes 100% load . This bug is already reported in bugzilla.mozilla.org .

5. Firefox 2.0 :: Basic Functional Tests :: Location bar
Works perfectly. Had to use LTFX functions activatewin and typekey .

6. Firefox 2.0 :: Basic Functional Tests :: Popup and Annoyance Blocking
Most of the test cases have been automated. Testing Java and Javascript is a small issue in this.

Some of the important categories which i have started tesing and is in near completion are
2. MenuBar
3. RSS
4. Downloading
5. Addons Manager

Finally, the code for the above tests can be found here.
Finally one small and interesting thing ;-). The icon which shows that the loading of a page ( the circular thing which rotates while a page is loading) is a push button :-) . Was really surprised when i noticed it :P. No clue why is it that way ;)

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Linux Desktop Test Project under Mozilla / Google SoC

Linux Desktop Testing Project (LDTP) has been selected under Mozilla organization for Google Summer of Code 2007. Thanks to the selection comitte for selecting LDTP.

SoC details

Firefox automation using LDTP and Tinderbox integration - Details.

Student - Harishankar - 3rd year Engineering student in NITT, India.

Mentor - Nagappan, Novell India and Emily Chen, Sun China.