Saturday, October 13, 2012

[ANN] Automated Testing on Mac (ATOMac) 1.0.1 released

With this announcement LDTP is now cross platform GUI testing ! I'm excited to share this news. Please spread the news.

The ATOMac team is proud to announce a new release of ATOMac.

About ATOMac:

Short for Automated Testing on Mac, ATOMac is the first Python library
to fully enable GUI testing of Macintosh applications via the Apple
Accessibility API. Existing tools such as using appscript to send
messages to accessibility objects are painful to write and slow to
use. ATOMac has direct access to the API. It's fast and easy to use to
write GUI tests.

Changes in this release:

* LDTP compatibility added. LDTP allows testers to write a single
script that will automate test cases on Linux, Windows, and now Mac OS
X. Information and documentation on LDTP can be found at the LDTP home
* Detailed documentation - Sphinx has been configured to generate
documentation for ATOMac. When this documentation is uploaded, it will
be linked from the home page.
* Various fixes to reading and writing certain accessibility attributes.
* Sending function keys and newlines now works as intended.

A detailed changelog is available.

Download source:

Documentation references:

Sphinx documentation is being uploaded. In the meantime, please see
the readme at the bottom of the github page listed above.

Report bugs

To subscribe to ATOMac mailing lists, visit

IRC Channel - #atomac on

Friday, October 5, 2012

[Ann]: Cobra 2.5.0 - Windows GUI test automation tool


* Added Perl interface (Contributed by xsawyerx)
* Added parallel execution (Leaks memory though, its not default, set LDTP_PARALLEL_MEM_LEAK environment variable before starting test)
* Added new APIs (rightclick)
* Fixed multiple bugs reported by users


* Sawyer X (Perl LDTP library)
* VMware colleagues
* Wold (IRC)
* Thanks to all others who have reported bugs through forum / email / in-person / IRC

Please spread the word and also share your feedback with us (email me).

About LDTP:

Cross Platform GUI Automation tool Linux version is LDTP, Windows version is Cobra and Mac version is PyATOM (Work in progress).

* Linux version is known to work on GNOME / KDE (QT >= 4.8) / Java Swing / LibreOffice / Mozilla application on all major Linux distribution.
* Windows version is known to work on application written in .NET / C++ / Java / QT on Windows XP SP3 / Windows 7 / Windows 8 development version.
* Mac version is currently under development and verified only on OS X Lion. Where ever PyATOM runs, LDTP should work on it.

Download source / binary (Windows XP / Windows 7 / Windows 8)
System requirement: .NET 3.5, refer README.txt after installation

Documentation references: For detailed information on LDTP framework and latest updates visit

LDTP API doc / Java doc
Report bugs

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Announce: LDTP 3.0 - Linux GUI test automation tool


* Java / C# / VB.NET / PowerShell / Ruby are now officially supported LDTP scripting languages other than Python

New Features:

* Firefox have check / uncheck as actions for check box

New APIs:

* selectpanel
* selectpanelname
* selectpanelindex

Bug fix:

* Simplified the implementation verifyselect for combobox menuitem
* Fix QT related accessibility issue
* Bug#673931 - Python-ldtp has issues if the application calls an env or other program to run


* Ubuntu QA team members (Dave Morley, Ara Pulido)
* VMware desktop QA team members
* Kartik Mistry (Debian package maintainer)
* Thanks to all others who have reported bugs through forum / email / in-person / IRC

Please spread the word and also share your feedback with us.

About LDTP:

Cross Platform GUI Automation tool Linux version is LDTP, Windows version is Cobra and Mac version is PyATOM (Work in progress).

* Linux version is known to work on GNOME / KDE (QT >= 4.8) / Java Swing / LibreOffice / Mozilla application on all major Linux distribution.
* Windows version is known to work on application written in .NET / C++ / Java / QT on Windows XP SP3 / Windows 7 / Windows 8 development version.
* Mac version is currently under development and verified only on OS X Lion. Where ever PyATOM runs, LDTP should work on it.

Download source / binary (RPM / DEB)

Documentation references: For detailed information on LDTP framework and latest updates visit

LDTP API doc / Java doc
Report bugs

Friday, August 3, 2012

Announce: Cobra 2.0 - Windows GUI test automation tool


* Java / C# / VB.NET / PowerShell / Ruby are now officially supported LDTP scripting languages other than Python
* Approximately 130 APIs are compatible with Linux version of LDTP
* C# client is compatible with Mono .NET framework and we have tested it on Linux/Mac
* Identify object name based on automation id (window id, as per SilkTest users)
* i18n support
* CPU / Memory logging
* Remote test execution

New features:

* List / Tree item API's are added
* Scroll to the element if the respective pattern is enabled
* Added new characters in keyboard input
* Object lookup based on wildcard("?")
* Double click on allowed object's
* Added hyper link widget type under known objects

New APIs:

* getwindowsize
* simulatemousemove
* gettablerowindex
* getobjectnameatcoords
* onwindowcreate (Java/C# client)
* removecallback (Java/C# client)
* mouserightclick

Bug fixes:

* Taskbar is now identified as pane, rather than ukn
* generatemouseevent API now takes the optional argument, compatible with Linux
* Fixed a crash, if the window title has back slash
* Grabing focus on combobox element fails the object selection, removed the respective code
* Ignore special characters while searching object name
* Fix regexp in object lookup
* getcellvalue API now takes the optional argument, compatible with Linux
* Handle task manager menuitem, which worked slightly different than other menu
* Fixed listing sub-menus with a simplified method
* getcellvalue API now as the Linux version
* getchild API now returns appropriate output
* Fixed *window APIs to work with different types of window
* Fixed mouse left click on a text widget


* John Yingjun Li (VMware) have contributed most of the code in this release. I really appreciate all his effort
* VMware colleagues
* Thanks to all others who have reported bugs through forum / email / in-person / IRC

Please spread the word and also share your feedback with us.

About LDTP:

Cross Platform GUI Automation tool Linux version is LDTP, Windows version is Cobra and Mac version is PyATOM (Work in progress).

* Linux version is known to work on GNOME / KDE (QT >= 4.8) / Java Swing / LibreOffice / Mozilla application on all major Linux distribution.
* Windows version is known to work on application written in .NET / C++ / Java / QT on Windows XP SP3 / Windows 7 / Windows 8 development version.
* Mac version is currently under development and verified only on OS X Lion. Where ever PyATOM runs, LDTP should work on it.

Download source / binary (Windows XP / Windows 7 / Windows 8)
System requirement: .NET 3.5, refer README.txt after installation

Documentation references: For detailed information on LDTP framework and latest updates visit

LDTP API doc / Java doc
Report bugs

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

[Announce] Ruby API to write LDTP (GUI Automation) tests

I'm happy to announce Ruby client to LDTP. Tested with Ruby 1.8.7 in Ubuntu 11.04.

Announce: C#/VB.NET/PowerShell API to write LDTP (GUI Automation) tests

I'm happy to announce we now have C# API for LDTP. Tested the API set with VB.NET and PowerShell.

Get latest LDTP binary from here

Credit: John Yingjun Li, who have done the most of work creating C# client, verifying with Linux LDTP, creating VB.NET test app.

API's tested against Cobra (Windows LDTP) and LDTP (Linux version, remotely though). Include Ldtp.dll and CookComputing.XmlRpcV2.dll into your project as dependency.

Check C# client and example source.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Java API to write LDTP (GUI Automation) tests

I'm happy to announce, we have added Java API support to write GUI tests using LDTP API.

Java LDTP client source:


Apache XML-RPC library
Apache codec base 64 library
LDTP binaries (Python on Linux, CobraWinLDTP.msi on Windows)

Tested on both Windows and Linux.

To compile set the CLASSPATH of the following jar files:


Java documentation available here

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Announce: Windows version of LDTP - GUI test automation tool

I'm excited to announce Windows version of Linux Desktop Testing Porject (WinLDTP) !!!

Special thanks:
VMware Inc permitting me to open source my work
VMware Desktop Engineering QE team to test it extensively
David Connet for creating the WinLDTP installer

Existing LDTP API's are compatible with WinLDTP, if there is any mismatch then we have to fix it ;-)

About LDTP:

Linux Desktop Testing Project is aimed at producing high quality test automation framework (using GNOME / Python) and cutting-edge tools that can be used to test Linux Desktop and improve it. It uses the Accessibility libraries to poke through the application's user interface. We strive to help in building a quality desktop.

Download source

Download binary (Windows XP / Windows 7)
System requirement: .NET 3.5, refer README.txt after installation

Documentation references:

For detailed information on LDTP framework and latest updates visit

For information on various APIs in LDTP including those added for this release can be got from

Report bugs

To subscribe to LDTP mailing lists

IRC Channel - #ldtp on

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Announce: Linux Desktop Testing Project (LDTP) 2.3.1 released

About LDTP:

Linux Desktop Testing Project is aimed at producing high quality test automation framework (using GNOME / Python) and cutting-edge tools that can be used to test Linux Desktop and improve it. It uses the Accessibility libraries to poke through the application's user interface. We strive to help in building a quality desktop.

Changes in this release:

Added twisted gtk3reactor
Operate on window name using index, will be helpful with i18n, l10n testing
at-spi2 related fixes to improve test execution time (Ubuntu 12.04)

Special thanks:
Mike Gorse
VMware Desktop UI automation
Dave Morley
Andre Klapper (i18n / l10n suggestions)

Download source / binary / view docs / Report bugs here / subscribe mailing list

For detailed information on LDTP framework and latest updates visit

IRC Channel - #ldtp on

Friday, February 17, 2012

Announce: Linux Desktop Testing Project (LDTP) 2.3.0 released

About LDTP:

Linux Desktop Testing Project is aimed at producing high quality test automation framework (using GNOME / Python) and cutting-edge tools that can be used to test Linux Desktop and improve it. It uses the Accessibility
libraries to poke through the application's user interface. We strive to help in building a quality desktop.

Changes in this release:

Added Windows client version for LDTP (Hint: Expect windows version of LDTP soon ;-) )
Updated keycodes based on latest Linux distribution

Bugs fixed:

Fixed twisted gtk2 import in gtk3 environment
Ubuntu 12.04 twisted XMLRPC APIs have been changed, updated accordingly

Special thanks:
Mike Gorse
VMware Desktop UI automation
Tim Miao
Michael Terry
Brain Nitz
Andre Klapper (i18n / l10n suggestions)
Gurdun (To run LDTP from Robot Framework)
Mardy (To run LDTP in QT environment)

Download source

Download RPM
Will schedule deb build in openSUSE build service later

Documentation references:

For detailed information on LDTP framework and latest updates visit


Report bugs

To subscribe to LDTP mailing lists

IRC Channel - #ldtp on